e-mail일을 잘 마무리하고 축배를~~ Cheers! Davis: You are a crazy son of a bitch. You know that, right? 완전 미치신거 아시죠? Ben: I didn't, actually. I'm sure my blood pressure was through the roof. But it was worth it. Good times! 혈압이 왕창 올라갔을거야. 하지만 그럴 많나 가치가 있었어. 정말 신났거든! ▷ through the roof : 폭등하다, 매우 화가나다 Jules: Guys, I can't. I literally can't thank you enough for what you just did. 모두 정말, 어떻게 고맙단 말을 해야 할지 모르겠어..