Aladdin 대본 해석2번째 거리의 좀도둑으로 살아가지만 정의로운 알라딘... GUARD: Stop, thief! I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat! 서라, 좀도둑은 손목을 잘라야 해! ALADDIN: All this for a loaf of bread? 겨우 빵 한조각 때문에? ▷ loaf : 덩어리 GUARD 1: There he is! 저기 있다 GUARD 2: You won't get away so easy! 쉽게 도망칠 줄 알았냐? ▷ get away : 도망치다 ALADDIN: You think that was easy? 이게 쉬워? GUARD 1: You two, over that way, and you, with me. We'll find ..