Aladdin 대본 해석2번째
거리의 좀도둑으로 살아가지만 정의로운 알라딘...
GUARD: Stop, thief! I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat!
서라, 좀도둑은 손목을 잘라야 해!
ALADDIN: All this for a loaf of bread?
겨우 빵 한조각 때문에?
▷ loaf : 덩어리
GUARD 1: There he is!
저기 있다
GUARD 2: You won't get away so easy!
쉽게 도망칠 줄 알았냐?
▷ get away : 도망치다
ALADDIN: You think that was easy?
이게 쉬워?
GUARD 1: You two, over that way, and you, with me. We'll find him.
너희 둘은 저쪽으로, 넌 날 따라와
ALADDIN: Morning, ladies.
WOMAN 1: Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we Aladdin?
오늘은 일찍 사고쳤네, 아니야?
▷ get into : 가입하다, 들어가
ALADDIN: Trouble? No way. You're only in trouble if you get caught--
사고요? 아니죠 잡혀야 사고죠
ALADDIN: I'm in trouble!
이제 사고네요!
GUARD: ...and this time
ALADDIN: Perfect timing, Abu!
ABU: Hello!
ALADDIN: Come on, let's get outta here! Gotta jump ahead of the breadline
자 어서 나가자! 도망쳐 어서 잡히면 안돼
▷ breadline : 식량배급을 기다리는 실업자, 빈민, 최저 생활수준
One swing ahead of the sword I steal only what I can't afford That's everything!
피해 무서운 칼, 나는 없는 것만 훔치지
One jump ahead of the lawmen That's all, and that's no joke
법의 눔만 피하면 돼 항상 쫓기는 인생
These guys don't appreciate I'm broke!
정말 고달프죠, 나도 이러기는 싫다구
GUARDS: Riffraff! Street rat! Scoundrel! Take that!
도둑놈 , 거지야, 건달, 받아라
ALADDIN: Just a little snack, guys!
겨우 빵 한겐데
GUARDS: Rip him open, take it back guys!
혼을 내야 정신 차리지
ALADDIN: can take a hint, gotta face the facts You're my only friend, Abu!
믿을 껀 친구 뿐이야, 내 친구는 아부
WOMEN: Who?!? Oh, it's sad Aladdin's hit the bottom He's become a one-man rise in crime
저 불쌍한 알라딘을 좀 봐, 모든 사람 손가락질 해
WOMAN: I'd blame parents, except he hasn't got 'em!
그건 부모를 잘못 만난 탓이야
ALADDIN: Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat Tell you all about it when I got the time!
먹으려면 할 수가 없어 훔치는 이 내 몸도 고달파
One jump ahead of the slowpokes One skip ahead of my doom
몰래 숨는 건 잘해, 살짝 속이면 돼
Next time gonna use a nom de plume. One jump ahead of the hitmen
어때 감쪽 같이 속였지. 나를 잡으려면 좀 더 빨라야 해
One hit ahead of the flock I think I'll take a stroll around the block.
그래선 나를 잡기 힘들지
CROWD: Stop, thief! Vandal! Outrage! Scandal!
ALADDIN: Let's not be too hasty
왜들 흥분하지
LADY: Still I think he's rather tasty
그래도 나는 그가 귀여워
ALADDIN: Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat Otherwise we'd get along!
우리들도 잘만 사귀면 친할 수 있잖아요
GUARD 1: He's got a sword!
칼을 가졌다!
GUARD 2: You idiot--we've ALL got swords!!
멍청하긴, 우리도 있잖아
ALADDIN: One jump ahead of the hoofbeats!
어서 한발 더 먼저 빨리 도망치자
▷ hoofbeat : 발굽소리
CROWD: Vandal!
ALADDIN: One hop ahead of the hump!
미리 선수를 치면 절대 붙잡지 못해
CROWD: Street rat!
ALADDIN: One trick ahead of disaster
CROWD: Scoundrel!
ALADDIN: They're quick--but I'm much faster
CROWD: Take that!
ALADDIN: Here goes, better throw my hand in Wish me happy landin' All I gotta do is jump!
가자, 이런 위기에서 아주 안전하게 도망치는 법은 점프
ALADDIN: And now, esteemed effendi, we feast! All right!
이제 안전하니 만찬을 즐겨볼까?
▷ effendi : sir에 해당하는 터키의 경칭
ABU: Uh-oh!
ALADDIN: Here, go on--take it.
ABU: Ah, don't. Huh?
BYSTANDER 1: On his way to the palace, I suppose.
궁전으로 가는데!
▷ on way : 가는중
BYSTANDER 2: Another suitor for the princess.
공주님께 청혼하려는 거야
▷ suitor : 구혼자
PRINCE: Out of my way, you filthy brat!
비켜라, 더러운 거지야!
ALADDIN: Hey, if I were as rich as you, I could afford some manners
아무리 부자라도 예의가 없으면 되나요.
PRINCE: Oh--I teach you some manners!
이런 건방진 녀석
ALADDIN: Look at that, Abu. It's not every day you see a horse with two rear ends!
나 같으면 저런 말 갖다줘도 안타겠다
PRINCE: You are a worthless street rat. You were born a street rat, you'll die a street rat, and only
your fleas will mourn you.
이런, 평생 좀도둑으로 살다 죽을놈이 네가 죽으면 벼룩밖에 슬퍼하는 놈이 없을거다
ALADDIN: I'm not worthless. And I don't have fleas. Come on, Abu. Let's go home.
난 좀도둑이 아니야, 벼룩도 없고
ALADDIN: Riffraff, street rat. I don't buy that. If only they'd look closer
거지라니 말도 안돼. 나를 다시 봐요
Would they see a poor boy? No siree. They'd find out, there's so much more to me.
내 진실을 봐요 사실은 내게도 좋은 점이 많아
Someday, Abu, things are gonna change.
언젠가 달라질거야.
We'll be rich, live in a palace, and never have any problems at all.
부자가 되어 궁전에서 아무런 걱정없이 살게 될 거야
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