PRINCE: I've never been so insulted!
이런 모욕은 처음이야!
SULTAN: Oh, Prince Achmed. You're not leaving so soon, are you?
아킴드왕자. 벌써 가려고?
PRINCE: Good luck marrying her off!
결혼은 필요 없소!
SULTAN: Oh, Jasmine! Jasmine! Jasmine! Confound it, Rajah! So, this is why Prince Achmed stormed out!
자스민. 깜짝이야, 라쟈! 네가 그랬구나
JASMINE: Oh, father. Rajah was just playing with him, weren't you Rajah.
라쟈는 장난으로 그런 거예요, 그렇지?
You were just playing with that overdressed, self-absorbed Prince Achmed, weren't you? Ahem.
잘난 척 하기 에 놀려 준거지?
SULTAN: Dearest, you've got to stop rejecting every suitor that comes to call. The law says you...
청혼하는 왕자마다 계속 쫓아보내면 어떡하느냐? 법에 따라
BOTH: ...must be married to a prince.
이번 생일 전까진 결혼해야하지 않느냐!
SULTAN: By your next birthday.
JASMINE: The law is wrong.
그런 법은 싫어요!
SULTAN: You've only got three more days!
겨우 사흘 남았어
JASMINE: Father, I hate being forced into this. If I do marry, I want it to be for love.
아버지, 강제로 결혼하긴 싫어요.전 사랑하는 사람과 결혼하고 싶어요
SULTAN: Jasmine, it's not only this law. I'm not going to be around forever, and I just want to make sure you're taken care of, provided for.
국법이기 때문만은 아니다. 애비가 영원히 사는 것도 아니잖니 내 생전에 네가 행복하게 사는 걸 보고싶다
JASMINE: Try to understand. I've never done a thing on my own. I've never had any real friends.
제발 이해해 주세요. 전 아무것도 혼자서 해본 적이 없어요 친한 친구하나 없구요
Except you, Rajah. I've never even been outside the palace walls.
너만 빼고 , 라쟈. 궁전 밖에는 나가본 적도 없죠
SULTAN: But Jasmine, you're a princess.
하지만 넌 공주잖니
JASMINE: Then maybe I don't want to be a princess.
공주도 지겨워요
SULTAN: Oooohhh! Allah forbid you should have any daughters!
라쟈, 너도 딸 낳아보면 내 고민을 알게다
SULTAN: I don't know where she gets it from. Her mother wasn't nearly so picky. Ooh, oh.
도대체 누굴닮아 저런지... 재 어미도 저렇진 않았는데...
Ah, Jafar--my most trusted advisor. I am in desperate need of your wisdom.
쟈파! 나의 가장 충실한 신하. 자네의 지혜가 필요하네
JAFAR: My life is but to serve you, my lord.
뭐든 분부만 하십시요
SULTAN: It's this suitor business. Jasmine refuses to choose a husband. I'm at my wit's-end.
혼사 때문이야. 쟈스민이 결혼을 하지 않으려 하는군. 어찌해야할지 모르겠어
IAGO: Awk! Wit's-end.
어찌해야할지 모른대
SULTAN: Oh, ha ha. Have a cracker, pretty polly!
과자를 먹으렴 귀여운 앵무새야
JAFAR: Your majesty certainly has a way with dumb animals. Now then, perhaps I can divine a solution to this thorny problem.
폐하께선 우둔한 짐승에게도 자상하십니다. 제가 해결책을 생각해보죠
SULTAN: If anyone can help, it's you.
자네만 믿네
JAFAR: Ah, but it would require the use of the mystic blue diamond.
그럴려면 신비의 푸른 다이아몬드가 필요한데요.
SULTAN: Uh, my ring? But it's been in the family for years.
내 반지가? 하지만 이건 대대로 내려오는 강보인걸
JAFAR: It is necessary to find the princess a suitor. Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
문제를 해결하는데 꼭 필요합니다. 걱정 마십시요. 전부 잘 될거야
SULTAN: Everything...will be...fine.
JAFAR: The diamond.
SULTAN: Here, Jafar. Whatever you need will be fine.
자네가 필요하다는데 줘야지
JAFAR: You are most gracious, my liege. Now run along and play with your little toys.
감사합니다, 전하. 이제 놀이방에서 노시죠
IAGO: I can't take it anymore! If I gotta choke down on one more of those moldy, disgusting crackers...bam! Whack!
더는 못 참아! 다시 한번 그 맛없는 과자를 목에 쳐넣으면 그냥 콱!
JAFAR: Calm yourself, Iago.
진정해라, 이아고
IAGO: Then I'd grab him around the head. Whack! Whack!
재수없는 영감!
JAFAR: Soon, I will be sultan, not that addlepated twit.
머지 않아 내가 왕이 된다
IAGO: And then I stuff the crackers down his throat! Ha ha!
그러면 내가 그 영감 입에 과자를 쑤셔 넣어줘야지!
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